Originating in the UK, I started my working life with an apprenticeship in the petrochemical industry, having turned down a place to study art at college. I learnt a wide range of skills from pipe-fitting to electronics, which I still utilise today. However, the unnatural world full steel and noise, and the absence of natural beauty, soon had me looking for change.
I used my profession to launch a journey travelling around the world, living in many countries, making a point to connect and really taste the flavour of local cultures and peoples. The more I travelled, the more opportunities to work in different fields opened up. These experiences have been transformational and given a unique perspective of the world and the things therein.
Years spent working within the film industry, created an intense interest in ‘painting with light’ and I’ve always enhanced my environment with funky lighting. I also have a fascination for things from bygone times and an aversion to waste, leading me to constantly up-cycle.
I feel it’s as if objects talk to me and present their new selves within moments of encountering them.
Years at sea have given me plenty of opportunities to reflect upon time and travel. Their relationship to the objects in our lives and how they interact with us, and we with them.
Living in my home/studio in the Waitakeres on Auckland's west coast gives me the perfect environment for inspiring ongoing creativity.